Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Just jumping in for a moment...off my usual topics...

I will come back and respond to the sweet notes in my last blog when I have more of a moment to myself.

In the meantime, help me! I'm drowning in a sea of conservative blogs regarding the latest Supreme Court nominee - I am frustrated by the abortion question, by the seeming disconnect between the lawmakers and the women who will truly be hurt by a loss of abortion rights. Certainly, no doubt, Californians are safe, New York, too, but what about the Southern states, all those "red states" just chomping at the bit to reduce liberty in our country? Who will be hurt there? The poorest women who cannot afford to travel to "blue states" nor hire their private doctors to do their abortions (as the wealthy will continue to do just the way they did back when abortion was illegal). If Roe v. Wade, its root cases and progeny are overturned, the ones who are clamoring for the change will not be affected, will not be hurt in any way. They don't get abortions today, they won't get abortions tomorrow. These people are so far off the ones walking into the clinics, I don't know what to do or say.

I know their response, but the response continues to be disconnected with reality.

I can only hope for "conservatism" - I can only hope the U.S. Supreme Court will continue to recognize the importance of legal medical intervention in a procedure that women will continue to want and get.

Until tomorrow...buenos noches.


Yogo said...

It's scary.

Jim said...

I had one interesting notion posted to my blog. One person believes that the Republicans have no interest in overturning Roe V. Wade. If they did this, it would muddy the waters between the Reps and the Dems for who gets the Conservative Christian vote. Judging by the two picks Bush has offered up, I believed this might be true. Then came today's headlines that Roberts is ready to go after Oregon's Assisted Suicide law, and it gave me pause for thought.

Time will tell ...

Adriana Bliss said...

I'm just going to have to continue to scream soundlessly, much like the rest of the liberals in this country. The mindset of the majority is...well...mindnumbing.

Thanks, Nappy40 and Butcher for the input - at least I know I'm not alone. Grrr...

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